Jenni Lanktree, '02

Head of Investor Relations and Marketing
Junto Capital Management LP

Jennifer (Jenni) Kleine Lanktree is Head of Investor Relations and Marketing at Junto Capital Management LP. Previously, Jenni spent over 14 years at Davidson Kempner Capital Management LP (“Davidson Kempner”). In her role at Davidson Kempner, Jenni served as Managing Director of Sales and Client Service and was responsible for managing several hundred institutional investor and advisory relationships, as well as building out and managing the firm’s global client service program. Prior to joining Davidson Kempner, Jenni spent three years at Goldman Sachs & Co. in the Capital Introduction group working with global hedge fund managers and institutional investors. She began her career as an Investment Banking analyst at Morgan Stanley & Co. in Chicago. Jenni graduated summa cum laude with a B.B.A. in Finance and Economics from University of Notre Dame in 2002. She serves on the Notre Dame AIM Advisory Board and the Wall Street Leadership committee. In addition to her work with Notre Dame, she serves on the Board of Trustees of St. Hilda’s & St. Hugh’s School. Jenni is married to C.J. Lanktree (ND'01) and they live in New York City with their three children, Grace, Charlie, and Catherine.