WIS '24

WIS ’24 marked the sixth anniversary of the Women’s Investing Summit (WIS), an important inclusion initiative at NDIGI. WIS is a forum for female-led discussion on leadership, markets and investing. This year, more than 400 students from 5 colleges across campus registered for the two-day event.

WIS ’24 kicked off in the Jordan Auditorium with a panel on early-stage investing in partnership with the Notre Dame Venture Capital Club. Esteemed panelists included:

  • Molly Iarocci ’07, ’11 MBA, Executive Vice President, Private Investments and Advisory, DCA Asset Management, Inc.
  • Catherine Lee, Partner, Top Corner Capital
  • Jennifer Mandelbaum, Partner, Halogen Ventures
  • Mary Miller ’96, Head of Business Development, Norwest Venture Partners

Immediately following, in partnership with the Hesburgh Women of Impact, NDIGI hosted a dinner for students, speakers and sponsors. Alexis Glick, CEO, Board Member, Investor, Veteran Wall Street and Media Executive and Television Personality, provided the keynote.

Friday’s agenda included a Market Outlook Keynote from Kris Bitterly Michell ’02 (Citi), Sustainable Investing Keynote from Karina Funk (Brown Advisory) moderated by Victor Abiamiri ’07 (Brown Advisory), IPO Market Keynote from Lizzie Reed ’07 (Goldman Sachs) moderated by Kimberly Flynn ’99 (XA Investments) and Valuation Expertise in a Niche Market from Erin Kerrigan (Kerrigan Advisors) moderated by Jason Reed (NDIGI).

The students were also fortunate to learn from two all-star panels:

Operating Excellence in Investing

  • Nikki Kraus ’94, President and Chief Client Officer, Strategic Investment Group
  • Jenni Lanktree ’02, Head of Investor Relations and Marketing, Junto Capital Management LP
  • Molly McDonnell ’99, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer, Lone Pine Capital LLC
  • Melissa Stolfi, Global Co-Chief Operating Officer, TCW

Investment Themes and Ideas

  • Kate McShane ’97, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs
  • Lauren Moran ’11, Portfolio Manager and Advisor, William Blair
  • Paige O’Neil ’09, President, Shapack Partners
  • Moderator: David J.Koo ’93, Retired Senior Partner, RoundTable Healthcare Partners

WIS ’24 was made possible through industry sponsors including Sixth Street, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, Artisan Partners, TCW and the Women’s Alliance at William Blair.